Monday, April 19, 2010


When you type in all Capital Letters that means you are screaming right??
Well that was my intention ;0)
BJ got to share the most precious memory with his son Saturday April 3 during the Youth Hunt!
He got to watch Cash shoot his first turkey at 4 years old!!!!!!
When BJ called and told me the news he was FRANTIC! I was so scared that something bad had happened to Cash, bc all BJ was screaming was "He Killed!"
Of course me on the other end of the phone hearing those words, my heart stopped.
But when he finally said "a bird" I regained consciousness, and became just as FRANTIC ;)
Cash will never understand that Turkey Hunting is very difficult, bc he was being very loud. His daddy had given up and said "ok Cash you just do whatever you want, and have fun"
The next thing they knew they heard a turkey Gobble, and Cash got serious ;)
BJ said that he never dreamed Cash would hit the turkey... but those who know Cash, knows that he has a (play) gun permantly attached to him at all times, and No he should not have been surprised! He knows how to work those things ;)
The story is very heart warming, BJ does the best telling it. So when you see him you will have to ask him to tell it ;) BJ experienced one of those parenting moments where you are so happy/proud that it just brings tears to your eyes! And I am so Thankful he got to have that experience ;)


This was our Happy Easter, morning ;)
I was not a good picture taker...
I did not even get one of his Easter Bunny gifts!
This is Cash hunting Easter Eggs at his Papa and Grandma's house.
I lOvE that he likes to dress up ;)
That was a milestone I couldn't wait for!
This was his Police Officer outfit, his G-Ma got him.
Oh yeah and that he is holding is his bull whip that came with the other dress up set she got him!

Happy Easter!
Let us not forget the importance of Easter Sunday :)
Thank you Lord for the ULTIMATE Sacrifice you made for all of us Sinners!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

~Cutie Pies~

We took the boys to see Nick Jr. Live
They would not let us bring our cameras inside
so we had to settle for a picture of the Twinks at home ;)
You can ask Cash's daddy about the bandage on his hand... ;(
These boys

Have toooooo Much


Who knew
Posing for a Picture

Could be

So ... Eventful???
Boys...what can I say?